Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, 2-9-12

by Sarah Devall

    Today, English was nothing out of the ordinary except for one thing: Mrs. Morrow was gone!  No one knows for sure where she is hiding, but we will surely find her eventually.  Mrs. Troester took over for Mrs. Morrow and helped us with our Daily Grammar Practice, also known as DGP.  We figured out what type of sentence it was and added correct spelling and punctuation; we will become better sentence writers throughout this study.  Also, we started a new place conscious unit.  In this unit we are picking out a picture in the Nebraska Life magazine to write a poem about.  Our teachers feel it is important for us to be educated about our surroundings so we feel welcomed no matter where we are.  Students will have to be creative and imaginative throughout this interesting unit.

"Ability is nothing without opportunity." –Napoleon Bonaparte

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, 2-8-12

by Robbi Burnette

Today in 8th grade English we talked manly about use getting IPADS! I think that this will be the most interesting  rest of the year. I think this mainly because this is the first time they are doing this. Mrs. Morrow wants to see if it will  improve our reading and writing skills. But that is not all we talked about.  We also talked about compound sentences. This is Robbi with the daily news thanks for listening.

Tuesday, 2-7-12

by Courtney Wheeler

What better way then to start English with sentence structures? “he was a very silent man by custom” is our sentence of the week in English. We write the sentence on a sheet of paper. Each day of the week we add more corrections. Monday’s corrections were to identify the parts of speech. We found nouns and verbs, conjunctions and adjectives.

Reading was another story. We got a new book The Hunger Games. We have to do questions that go with the book that we have to answer. Some people who already read the first book either read the second one or some other free read book. That is a typical day in our English class.

Friday, February 3, 2012

iPad Action Research Lottery Draw Day!

To watch the video of the exciting moment, visit here:

We're getting iPads!!! That was all the buzz before 4th period English today. The drawing was held in 2nd period English to see which class of 8th graders got the iPads. As class started our teachers told us how proud they were of us for working so hard in the state-wide writing assessment yesterday. We then watched the videos we made Wed. It may seem like an exciting day but it was just another school day at O'Neill High School.

Sent from James Walton at O'Neill Public School

Groundhog Day 2-2-12

by Miles Stagemeyer

Today was a big day for the O’Neill 8th graders and for Punxsutawney Phil. All of our preparation came down to this very day. The NeSA descriptive writing test was upon us, pushing everyone to their writing limits. Sadly, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow meaning 6 more weeks of winter. Students were busy as usual getting late assignments ready for parent-teacher conferences on Monday. That’s all for today as winter continues on.

More Descriptive Writing Tips

To see even more videos created by the 8th graders to teach Descriptive Writing Tips, visit the above link. These were created with the Puppet Pals app on the iPad.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Digital Learning Day Voice+and+Word+Choice+Project by wjliewer

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun! Katelyn+%26+Miles by katelyn.hurlbert

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun! Reginald's Hot Tips by devall2016

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun! Shane, Yobany, and Jayde by ladywolf1900

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun! Voice/ Word Choice by veronicaross

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun! Organization by Vcb2012

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun! Descriptive Writing Tips by mrsmorrow

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!